Friday, January 25, 2008

My Unhappy 2 year old!

I don't know how many of you have a 2 year old or had one at one time. But I have decided that she must go(ok her attitude) Nicole needed new shoes, so being the great mom I am, I took her to the shoe store. It was just her and I (Aaron and Isaac were at school) So she starts picking out the shoes that she wants and then the monster came out with it. I not want these ones mom, those ones, not those ones mom, Thoses ones (we were trying shoes on for about 1/2 hour) we had tried on all the shoes here size and she said to me no no no no no no no, I not do these shoes. She started to cry and she cried and cried and cried ( after she started to cry I just picked for her). We got out to the car and she continued to cry. I am not sure why she was so sad but I think she cried for about an hour and I finally put her to bed. I didn't know that girls cried for no logical reason.

1 comment:

Dynamic Chiropractic said...

I too was shocked to find out that girls start to have cases of "pms" long before they will ever hit puberty!!!! I wish I could give you words of encouragment but it will only continue to happen... I love the video of her singing we are the champions so cute!