Saturday, December 8, 2007

WAITING FOR CHRISTMAS Through the eyes of a 5 year old

Aaron informed me that in order for Santa to come on Christmas Eve we could not build a fire, because he would burn up. He also didn't understand how he fit in our chimney. He is so concerned that Santa will not be ok. I have tried my best to let him know that Santa has his ways of coming into peoples homes. He will be ok and will still come on Christmas Eve. He has so many questions about Santa. The best was when he asked me if he were to write Santa a letter how did the letter know how find Santa. And how does he know if you were good or bad. Mommy why is Santa in this movie and if that is Santa who is the other person that looks like Santa? How would it be to be 5 all over again.
Every gift that comes in the mail, Aaron thinks needs to be opened that moment. I finally had to ask him if it was anyone's birthday, because for the month of November it was birthday palozza at our house. He told me that it was not any ones birthday right now and that was the end of that. We also have the rule that if they(Isaac and Aaron) open any of the gifts that are under the tree we will be sending them back to giver and if it is a gift that we are giving to them it will go to there friends house and they will get nothing on Christmas. They are so afraid that they will have no gifts that they just laying on the floor next to the tree and say that one is mine and that one is for you.......

1 comment:

Dynamic Chiropractic said...

That is funny, my girls won't leave the presents under our tree alone either. They haven't tried to open any of them, but they keep on "sorting" them. I guess I should be happy that is a skill they should be mastering for school!