I have been teaching Nicole where she lives. She is getting pretty good at knowing that we live in Sacramento California. The other day I was talking to her little pre-school friends that I had in the car for carpool. Nicole say to me"I live in California." Me being so excited that she remembers. I ask her what city she lives in"I live in Sacramento" Yeah. Well, it started a big conversation with her 2 friends:
Nicole"Where do you live Hailee?"
Hailee" I don't know"
Nicole: "You live in Sacramento"
Hailee:"Oh, Sacramento"
Nicole"Abby, where do you live?"
Abby: "I don't live in Sacramento, I live in a house."
Nicole: "Well I live a house too."
Hailee: "Me too."
I was laughing so hard as they were all were changing, because we do all live in a house.